Mommy's Reviews does allow for family friendly text link advertising, small banner ads and Guest Posts.
~ My fee is $30/month. I accept payment through Paypal and payment would be due within 24 hours of the link/banner being placed.
~ All links/banners must contain a no-follow attribute to the link to stay in compliance with Google's linking policies. If this attribute is not added by the sponsor, I will add it before placing it on my blog.
~ Guest Posts are also welcome.My fee for guest posts is $25 for one no-follow link within the post. Any additional links would be $5 each. I accept PayPal payments and the payment would be due within 24 hours of the post going live unless other arrangements are made. If the payment is not received within the allotted time frame, the post will be removed. I would love to feature you on my blog...please let me know if you would be interested. :)