I have a love for scented things. I love scented soaps, lotions, candles, air fresheners, shampoos, body washes...etc. I have recently found out (didn't know this before) that Seventh Generation has a wonderful line of scented Natural Dish Liquids and they sound just fabulous!!!
I would love to share some of my favorite scents with you all today and tell you where they "take me" as a woman, a mom and a home maker!
My first scent that is probably my favorite is lemon. Whenever I clean with lemon-scented cleaners it just freshens up my home so much. I also love to throw lemon peels down my kitchen disposal to freshen that up a bit. As you know (if you have a disposal), they can get rather stinky and nasty at times so they need some T.L.C. quite often. I cannot help but think about miles and miles of lemon trees...full of fresh lemons just waiting for me to pick!
The second scent that I especially love during the fall season is apple. I have a Rainbow vacuum cleaner and when I use that I can add scents to the water so that the air smells nice after vacuuming. With my scents that I can add to the water I have a cinnamon apple scented liquid that smells amazing. When I am done cleaning, my home smells awesome. I also have a plethora of apple scented candles that I specifically save for the harvest season and love to burn them in my kitchen especially.
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Another scent that I love to have in my home is vanilla. One of the reasons why is because vanilla can be combined with so many other scents to create beautiful mosaics of aroma therapies. Just like in baking, it just adds so much to scents! My candle selection also includes many vanilla scents as well. :)
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So, there you have it! My list of my favorite scents! What about you? What are some of your favorites? Do you have one that you cannot live without? Share with us your thoughts and don't forget to stop and smell the beautiful scents that nature has to offer. :)
I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Seventh Generation blogging program, for a gift card worth $50. For more information on how you can participate, click here.
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