
Stay Healthy This Summer

11:53 AM

There is no better way to stay healthy in the summer than to exercise and eat right, and whether you’re the type of person who enjoys to get out in the fresh air of the countryside or prefer to spend your time in the city streets and parks, there are plenty of things you can do to keep yourself in good physical and mental shape. For those trying to perfect their beach body or just looking to feel better, here are a few things you can do to make this summer your healthiest one yet.

1. Make healthy eating choices

One of the things that make summer great is that there are more healthy foods available than at any other time of the year—from fresh fruit to vegetables and berries. While the heat can certainly play tricks on your appetite, why not brush up on a few summer salads that will taste delicious and keep you cool. Some great summer classics include Greek salad, salad Nicoise, and for  something a little heartier there's sweet potato salad.

2. Walk instead of drive

Even if you’re not one for serious exercise, just getting out and walking to your destination as opposed to taking the car can do a lot for both your health and the environment. Remember, however, that if the weather is too hot it is best to stay cool and bring plenty of water with you to avoid any problems with heat stroke.

3. Go for a run or cycle

If you enjoy going for walks, why not try kicking-it-up a notch and going for a run in the park, if you’re worried about the heat or live in the city, consider joining a gym where there are plenty of treadmills that will allow you to get a sweat in without having to fight your way through crowds. Or if you’d rather exercise in the privacy of your own home check out retailers like  Tesco for deals on treadmills. If you’re worried about the consequences that running can have on your joints, or want to travel longer distances to explore more territory, try cycling, which is a great way to exercise and to travel through some fantastic scenery.

4. Plan some time off work

Summer holidays may seem like an obvious choice for most, but there are plenty of people who still push their way through the sunny months without taking days off to stop and enjoy the weather. Even taking a long weekend to get out of town and let your mind escape the stresses of day-to-day life will be an important step towards healthier living.

5. Try swimming for exercise

Many people who have a difficult time exercising tend to find that swimming is a great way to get in some cardiovascular work, and on top of this, come the summer it is the perfect way to cool down. Local pools tend to have different types of activities available, from aerobics classes to your basic open pool lap-sessions.

However, you decide to utilize your leisure time this summer, keep in mind that come winter you will be glad to have gotten outside and soaked up all the sun and exercise you could while the weather lasted.

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored guest post. A great article runs simplicity  ~ share that feeling for the world. 

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  1. I do try to make healthy eating choices. In the summer I do like more salads and fruits also. I try to take more walks too.
    twinkle at optonline dot net


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