I love how my email automatically dumps emails into my spam folder, simply because my email thinks it is smarter than me. Because of this, I can miss some emails at times and have to check out my spam folder regularly. I am amazed at some of the emails that get sorted into this folder and wonder what would have happened if I had missed out on the information within those messages.
Recently, I found an email within my spam folder that had some really great deals in it. It was for a free silver coated necklace or earrings...free shipping too! Because I have a 4 year old daughter who loves all things having to do with dress-up, I ordered one of these necklaces. It arrived the other day and she wears it all the time! It makes me mad that I might have missed out on that.

Marketing emails are typically the ones that I find in my spam folder and most of them truly are junk. But, every now and then I receive a totally professional and great-looking email that includes information that I want and products/services that would benefit me. I think one thing that is key to having a email get read as opposed to being tossed is making sure it looks good. Mad Mimi email marketing focuses on making emails look eye-appealing and fun.
In my opinion, if more companies would invest in a consultant who could look at the emails they send from a recipient's standpoint, they could get feedback and perhaps, create more marketable emails. Companies that are looking to market "less fun" items could really benefit from Mad Mimi because then they could make their product or service stand out from all the rest because the email they send promoting said product would look fantastic! Mad Mimi has created email marketing for companies like Kelloggs and bitly and many more.
So, if you are a business owner looking to promote your company through email marketing, may I suggest taking a peek at what Mad Mimi has to offer? Their fun and easy to use site is colorful, eye-catching and explains everything...you may be surprised at what exactly this could do for your company!
This is a sponsored post for Mad Mimi, however, all the points and views are 100% my own.
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