
Friendly Reminder :)

11:55 PM

I just wanted to give you all a quick, gentle reminder about entering my giveaways. I am so thankful for all of my readers and YOU are what makes this blog the success that it is. 

I have been having to redraw winners recently because there have been some who just click through the Rafflecopter entries without doing any of the work associated with the entries. Friends, if you do this, you cannot win. I do verify all entries and if I draw your name and you have not done what I have asked, I have to re-draw a new winner. This is truly unfortunate but in order for this to work for everyone and be fair, only those who have done the entries properly are eligible to win if chosen. 

So, if you want to win, it is simple...follow the instructions and do what is expected for each entry. If you don't, you can't win! 
Thanks again for all of your entries and please stay tuned for the up-coming Holiday Gift Guide. I promise will be soooo much fun! I'm looking forward to offering you some fun and useful gift ideas for this up-coming Holiday Season!!

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You can leave a valid email address with each comment so I will know where to contact you if you win a giveaway...or make sure it is listed where I can easily find it! Thanks for visiting!