I get asked all the time, "How do you get all this free stuff???". First of all, it is not free as my time is money and writing up a quality blog post takes about 1-2 hours. What is your time worth to you? I think that sometimes people don't realize exactly what goes into writing a review and hey, that's OK. When I began doing reviews I was a semi-seasoned blogger. I knew how to use the blogging program and I knew how to write cognitive sentences. The hardest part about writing reviews is finding companies that want to work with you and that is what I am going to write about today. How do you find companies to work with and how to you contact them?

1. A bit of information about who I am. Companies want to know if you are a business person, care-taker, etc. This helps them to know if you would be a good fit with any products that they carry.
2. My blog stats. There are some companies out there that I just will not be able to work with at this point in time. I am just not "big enough". I think that it is important to give companies an idea of how popular you are by giving them your monthly unique visitor count, GFC followers, page rank and other information. If companies know this up front, then they can properly discern if you are qualified to work with them.
3. What I am looking to accomplish. If I want to review XYZ item, then I will tell them. If I want to do a review and a giveaway, then I mention that as well. People do want to know what you are wanting from them and if you state it then they won't be wondering.
Lastly, I use the Internet for my sources. I look for companies in a certain niche, to fit whatever it is I am looking to review. I also use magazines, newspapers and press releases to find companies to email. There definitely is not a shortage of companies that are blogger friendly and I am so glad for the ones I have worked with thus far! Being a review blogger is very rewarding and I am thankful for the opportunity to be one!
This is a sponsored post for Mad Mimi however, all the points and views are my own.
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